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Il Commendatore, Don Giovanni
Winslow Hall opera 2016

Il Commendatore, Don Giovanni
Winslow Hall Opera 2016

Chorąży, Hrabina, Moniuszko
Chorąży and Bronia, POSK 2016

Colline, La Boheme
Swansea City Opera, 2016

Colline and Shaunard
Swansea City Opera, 2016

Colline and Marcello La Boheme
Swansea City Opera, 2016

Zbigniew, Straszny Dwór, Moniuszko
POSK, London, 2015

Zbigniew Straszny Dwór, Moniuszko
POSK, London, 2015

Zbigniew, Straszny Dwór, Moniuszko
POSK 2015

Osmin, Die Entführung aus dem Serail
Popup Opera, 2015

Osmin, Die Entführung aus dem Serail
Popup Opera, 2015

Thomas d'Esquivel, Le Carrosse
Dorset Opera, 2012
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